Think about how you might react when meeting someone new. Many people fall into the trap of seriously down-playing their strengths and business skills. Or – would you be the
Transition Cafe
Track Your Accomplishments To Advance Your Career
By Kurt Kirton During the time I worked in the music business—for two record labels and two music dot-com’s—I had a great boss I worked for at three of those
Links and Resources – One-stop job search engine JibberJobber – Career management tool Manta – Small business search engine PiPl – People search engine Quintessential Careers – Job
Creating an Effective Elevator Pitch
When networking probably one of the most hated exercises is standing up and giving your elevator pitch or commercial. Even when given guidance on what to say, we seem to
Have you ever said to yourself that you are not an artist because you cannot draw a thing…not even a straight line? Well guess what? I say there is an
Career Decisions?
CAREER DECISIONS? I STILL HAVEN’T FOUND WHAT I’M LOOKING FOR is a U2 song with a very poignant meaning when it comes to career choice and transition. Experience and data
Negotiating Your Salary
Most of us were not born to negotiate. However, if you don’t negotiate something in the interview process, you will forever wonder if you could have gotten more. Most jobs
James Sherer, Greater Nashville Area
“When I made the decision to move back to Nashville and transition, I sought out an outplacement service in Indiana that specialized in career transition. I had help from a
Create & Find an Accountability Group
Being in career transition can be lonely and frustrating. Just know that you are not alone. If you have spent time perusing this website, you have quickly learned that there
Have You Always Wanted To Own A Small Business?
If the answer is yes, you are not alone. It’s one of the most exciting ways to take control of your career destiny. Millions of Americans dream of becoming an